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Massage Spa Escort Himani

Greetings, seekers of relaxation! I am Himani, your skilled Massage Spa Escort, ready to take you on a journey of ultimate tranquility and bliss. With the gentle caress of my hands, Bangalore Call girls offer more than just a massage; I provide a holistic experience that rejuvenates your body, mind, and soul. Imagine being enveloped in a world of soothing music, fragrant oils, and my expert touch, where stress melts away, and pleasure takes its place. Let’s embark on a voyage of serenity together, where every stroke is a promise of tranquility and every moment is dedicated to your well-being.


Age: 27
Height: 5'7
Bust: 34B
Nationality: Indian
Location: JP Nagar
Languages: English
Dress Size: 6
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Orientation: Straight


30 Min N/A N/A
1 Hour Rs2000.00 Rs2500.00
90 Min Rs2500.00 Rs3000.00
2 Hour Rs3000.00 Rs3500.00
3 Hour Rs5000.00 Rs6000.00
Extra Hour Rs2000.00 Rs2000.00
Overnight(8 Hours) Rs10000.00 Rs10000.00
Overnight(12 Hours) N/A N/A
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